Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Scategories Letter Generator

A couple of weeks ago I was talking to a M's brother's girlfriend, C, about board games. She told me about a game she used to play called Scategories. The idea is that you have a list of categories and come up with a word for each one beginning with a certain letter. The letter is determined by rolling dice and a corresponding letter is referenced by the number rolled. C no longer has a copy of this game, but likes playing it. I thought that this a perfect opportunity to play around with some JavaScript. Demo here.

Sunday, 30 October 2011

html5 Geolocation

I'm quite fascinated by the geolocation API that is contained within html5. One thing I love about my iPhone is that I can find things around me quickly, even if I don't where I am. I've used the Google Maps API a couple of times for Contact Us pages. I love that I can make a JavaScript call to produce an interactive map and insert it into a containing div, and have a static image of the area so that if the user doesn't have JavaScript (or has it disabled) they can still have an experience comparable to the JavaScript user. I thought it would be quite cool to use the JavaScript API to produce a map based the user's current location. Take a look at the finished result here. Details after the jump.

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Web Forms, and How Not to Do It

I'm absolutely passionate about web design. It is more than just a job to me. In fact, it became a job for me because I was so annoyed by the poor quality of interface design that I was confronted by day after day. I think of myself as an internet citizen. All the major events of my life have happened whilst I've been online, and have been broadcast online moments later. The first thing I do in the morning and the last thing I do at night is go online. If there's some effect on a site that I think is cool I dig into the client side code until I understand what's going on.